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Rooted in Nature: A Solstice Roundtable Virtual Event

Science is showing us how the brain and mind benefit from nature, while indigenous cultures since the beginning of humankind have strengthened their mental health through deep connections to community and nature. Rooted Circle’s Solstice Roundtable, filmed at the Taft Gardens Amphitheatre will be an virtual interactive conversation about nature therapy with healers from varied disciplines such as psychotherapy, yoga, herbalism, conservation, and education.

We will open the virtual event with a land acknowledgement ceremony, led by Ojai Church of the Wild, followed by conversations around the circle. Each practitioner will introduce their healing modality and lead participants through practices that they can try right in their own homes and backyards through joining in by video the 19th of June.

The window for the viewing of the conversation will be between 8am-4pm PST. Following the viewing window, we will be holding a Q&A virtual call with speakers and participants. The conversation will only take a couple of hours of time to view.

Register for the Virtual Event