What is Nature Immersion?

The Nature Immersion and Nature-Based Mindfulness Program at Taft Gardens which guides participants through sensory awareness activities to expose them to the healing power of Nature.

“Nature is Medicine” with Nature Immersion Guide Elena Rios - Video by Julio Alcala

There has been a global reduction in access to natural environments which has led to increasing disengagement with Nature. Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits to Nature Immersion, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for stabilizing and improving mood and cognition.

Nature Immersion builds on those benefits and looks beyond, to what happens when people remember that we are a part of nature, not separate from it, and are related to all other beings in fundamental ways.

Introducing the Taft Labyrinth

Made with Love…

Located adjacent to the Studio Garden, the labyrinth represents so much – not just within its larger symbolic context but to each of us here at Taft Gardens. The Taft staff and many family members, including John Taft, contributed to the construction of the labyrinth, each laying stones and infusing the process with the intention of love, connection, and the passing of intergenerational wisdom.


More Opportunities for Nature Immersion:



The Nature Immersion Medicine Walks, led by Nature Therapy Guide, Elena Rios, is a core offering of Taft Gardens. On this guided walk, you will be given instructions, which are referred to as invitations, to assist you in slowing down, relaxing, and finding your own way of being in relationship with nature and the land.


Inhale, exhale, and join us for a Sound Experience with Trinity of Sound. You will be guided in a grounding meditation and breath-work before being immersed in a continual sound healing vortex. Instruments include clear quartz singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, chimes and shakers, rain sticks, harmonium, voice, and more.


We are in the process of implementing a self-guided ANFT Nature Therapy Trail within the South African and Australian Garden.

Coming Soon!

Donations to this program funded the creation of the Taft Labyrinth and further contributions will go towards scholarships for under-served members of our community to attend Nature Immersion events, the design and installation of the Self-Guided Nature Therapy Trail and further development of this program.

“Taft is so much more than just a garden; it’s a place where one can commune with Nature, the wonder of its beauty, and remember what it feels like to allow the natural world to embrace you, help you, and heal you.”

Jaide Whitman, steward of Taft Gardens and CEO/President of the Conservation Endowment Fund.

“Time in Nature leads to healing, resilience, and a sense of wholeness, and the garden, in particular is “a symbol of our innate innocence and wholeness. It’s a place where things grow and thrive.” - Brian Stafford, MD, Taft Program Guide