Cassandra C. Jones is a remix-artist and storyteller living and working in Ojai, CA. She received her MFA from Carnegie Mellon University, and her work has shown in galleries and museums throughout the US and Europe. Jones uses digital photography to create collage, installation, and video works that spin narratives and present a prismatic reflection of our self-involved, technology-based, snap-happy contemporary lifestyles. She does this to offer a space of possibility, growth, and discovery. And within that space, aims to create experiences that are magical and transformative.
While in residence for the first Taft Art Residency, Jones developed, Woah and Wonder, a botanical series based on the flora of Taft Gardens. Using digital photo-collage, she has reimagined various plant specimens in the style that she is known for and has been working with since 2004. As a long term resident of Ojai, her work also reflects the history and contemporary times of the area and how technology, the rapidly changing environment, and the pandemic have played a role in our perception, interaction, and preservation of nature.
Jones currently serves as that Taft Art Chair and facilitates the Art in Nature Programming.