2023 Research Residency Artist - Rosemary Holliday Hall

Introducing Taft's Artist Researcher in Residence Rosemary Holliday Hall, residing at Taft from February through April 2023. During this unique residency, Rosemary is using the land and its inhabitants as her studio and embarking on embodied explorations of the insects who live and migrate through Taft Gardens. Through different modes of research (field recording, movement, and sculpture) and special focus on Taft's newly planted Pollinator Garden, Rosemary will explore how culturally and ecologically humans relate to and are intertwined with insects and how through pollination and decomposition insects directly tie, transmit, and transform life and death processes. The pollinator garden presents an opportunity for cross-pollination of ideas and communication between insect, artist, gardener, visitor, scientist and plant. Rosemary Holliday received her BFA at the University of California, Davis in 2013 and her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2019. Her work has been shown in exhibitions in Chicago, Los Angeles, Saugatuck, Sacramento, and Washington DC.

Portrait @marcaltphoto
Graphics @lulusandhaus